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Ang Lee's Film: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 李安《卧虎藏龙》

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is a 2000 wuxia film. the film was directed by Ang Lee and Lee assembled a team from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Mainland China. The film was based on the fourth novel in a pentalogy, known in China as the Crane Iron Pentalogy, by wuxia novelist Wang Dulu.The film was a surprising success worldwide.

With Chinese dialogue and English subtitles, the film became the highest grossing foreign film in many countries, including the United States and the United Kingdom, and was nominated in 10 categories at the Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Foreign Language Film, and Best Director. It ended up winning Best Foreign Language Film and three technical awards. The success of Crouching Tiger demonstrated that Lee’s artistry had a general appeal; it also inspired such established directors as Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige to explore wuxia films for Western audiences.

The film is set in the Qing Dynasty during the 43rd year of the reign of the Qianlong Emperor. Li Mu Bai is an accomplished Wudang swordsman. Mu Bai, intending to give up his warrior life, asks Shu Lien to transport his sword, also referred to as the Green Destiny, as a gift for their friend Sir Te. Jen, destined for an arranged marriage and yearning for adventure, seems envious of Shu Lien’s warrior lifestyle.A masked thief sneaks into Sir Te’s estate and steals the sword at night. Mu Bai makes the acquaintance of Inspector Tsai, a police investigator from the provinces, and his daughter May. Fox challenges the pair and Sir Te’s servant Master Bo to a showdown that night. Following a protracted battle, the group is on the verge of defeat when Mu Bai arrives and outmaneuvers Fox. Before Mu Bai can kill Fox, the masked thief reappears and partners with Fox to fight. Fox resumes the fight and kills Tsai before fleeing with the thief. After seeing Jen fight Mu Bai, Fox realizes Jen had been secretly studying the Wudang manual and has surpassed her in skill.

At night, a desert bandit named Lo breaks into Jen’s bedroom and asks her to leave with him. A flashback reveals that in the past, when Governor Yu and his family were traveling in the western deserts, Lo and his bandits had raided Jen’s caravan and kidnapped her. However, Lo and Jen soon fell passionately in love. Lo eventually convinced Jen to return to her family, though not before telling her a legend of a man who jumped off a cliff to make his wishes come true. Because the man’s heart was pure, he did not die. Lo came to Peking to persuade Jen not to go through with her arranged marriage. However, Jen refuses to leave with him. Later, Lo interrupts Jen’s wedding procession, begging her to come away with him. Nearby, Shu Lien and Mu Bai convince Lo to wait for Jen at Wudan Mountain, where he will be safe from Jen’s family, who are furious with him. Jen runs away from her husband on the wedding night before the marriage could be consummated. She fights several warriors in an inn and is victorious.

Jen visits Shu Lien, who tells her that Lo is waiting for her at Wudang Mountain. After an angry dispute, the two women engage in a duel. Wielding the Green Destiny, Jen destroys each weapon that Shu Lien wields until losing to a broken sword held at her neck. When Shu Lien shows mercy and lowers the sword, Jen injures Shu Lien’s arm. Mu Bai arrives and pursues Jen into a bamboo forest. Following a duel where Mu Bai regains possession of the Green Destiny, he decides to throw the sword over a waterfall. In pursuit, Jen dives into an adjoining river to retrieve the sword and is then rescued by Fox. Fox puts Jen into a drugged sleep and places her in a cavern; Mu Bai and Shu Lien discover her there. Fox suddenly reappears and attacks the others with poisoned darts. Mu Bai blocks the needles with his sword and avenges his master’s death by mortally wounding Fox, only to realize that one of the darts hit him in the neck. Fox dies, confessing that her goal had been to kill Jen, because she was furious that Jen hid the secrets of Wudan from her.

As Jen exits to retrieve an ingredient for the antidote for the poisoned dart, Mu Bai prepares to die. With his last breaths, he finally confesses his love for Shu Lien. He dies in her arms as Jen returns, too late to save him. The Green Destiny is returned to Sir Te. Jen later goes to Wudang Mountain and spends one last night with Lo. The next morning, Lo finds Jen standing on a balcony overlooking the edge of the mountain. In an echo of the legend that they spoke about in the desert, she asks him to make a wish. He complies, wishing for them to be together, back in the desert. Jen then leaps over the side of the mountain and into the clouds.

A dialogue between Mubai and Xiulian.

Mùbái hé Xiùlián yìqǐ zuò zài liánɡtínɡ lǐ.
Mubai and Xiulian are sitting together in a pavilion

Mùbái: Xiùlián, wǒmen nénɡ ɡòu chùmō de dōnɡxi méiyǒu yónɡyuǎn. Yìqiè dōu shì huànjué. Shīfu shuō “fànɡqì xūqiú, nǐ cái yōnɡyǒu shízɑi.”
Mubai:Xiulian, the things we can touch have no permanence. it is all an illusion. The master would say, “A man’s primary need is to let go. Only then can he possess what is truly real. ”

Xiùlián: shì, shì yǒu xiē shìqínɡ shì xūhuàn de, dànshì yǒuxiē quèshì wúnài de zhēnshí. Bǐrú, shǒu, nándào bú shì zhēnshí de mɑ?
Xiulian: Yes, I am sure many things are an illusion. Yet some are hopelessly real. Like my hand. Wasn’t that real?

Mùbái: Shuānɡdāo dàxiá de shǒu, yòu cū yòu yìnɡ. Wǒ shì nàme kěwànɡ nénɡ chùmō tā, què cónɡ yě méi ɡǎn. Xiùlián, wǒmen shēnpánɡ wòhǔ-cánɡlónɡ, dāojiàn lǐ cánɡ xiōnɡ, zhēnzhènɡ de xiōnɡjī què cánɡ rénxīn lǐ. Wǒ xiǎnɡ wèi nǐ ér líkāi jiānɡhú, kě qiáo,què dài ɡěi wǒ shénme yànɡ de máfɑn。
Mubai:Rough and calloused. The hand of a Shuang Dao master. How I’ve longed to touch it and never dared! Xiulian, we are beset with peril, and it is not weapons. The real resides in the human heart. I tried to leave the Jianghu world for you and look what trouble that had brought us.

Xiùlián: Yāyì zhǐ huì rànɡ ɡǎnqínɡ ɡènɡ qiánɡliè.
Xiulian: The feeling one represses just strengthen.

Mùbái: Shuō dé duì, dàn wǒ nénɡ zěnme bàn ne ? Wǒ xīwànɡ wǒmen … … jiù zhe yànɡ yíkuài’ér zuò zhe, wǒ fǎn’ér nénɡ ɡǎnjué dào zhǒnɡ jídà de pínɡjìnɡ.
Mubai: You are right, but what do i do then? What I would like is us…together as we are here. It gives me a sense of infinite peace.

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