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Bai Juyi: Willow Trees at the Blue Gate

Willow Trees at the Blue Gate

青 门 柳
青 青 一 树 伤 心 色
曾 入 几 人 离 恨 中。
为 近 都 门 多 送 别
长 条 折 尽 减 春 风。
Qing Men Liu

Qing qing yi shu shang xin se
Ceng ru ji ren li hen zhong.                                                                                                   Wei jin dou men duo song bie
Chang tiao she jin jian chun feng.


Willow Trees at the Blue Gate

Many greens of one tree, wounds the form of heart-minds
Many people remember and resent this tree of departures.

Many departures and send offs have occurred at this southern gate
Very few low branches remain, broken off during spring breezes.



Blue Gate: One of the palace gates in the capital city of Chang’an.

Broken off: Old custom of breaking off of small branches to be given to those departing.  Most often done in springtime.

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