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Classic Chinese Poetry 第9页

Wang Wei: His Work


Wang Wei: His Work The reign of Xuanzong (712-756) during the middle of the Tang Dynasty saw the peak of Chinese culture...

Tang Dynasty: The Society


Tang Dynasty: The Society In ancient China, like today, the government regulated most everything in the society. This in...

Wei Yingwu: His Life


Wei Yingwu: His Life   Wei Yingwu was born in 737, close to the ancient capital of Chang’an during the reign of emp...

Wei Yingwu: Road to Chang’an


Road to Chang’an   长 安 道 汉 家 宫 殿 含 云 烟 两 宫 十 里 相 连 延。 晨 霞 出 没 弄 丹 阙 春 雨 依 微 自 甘 泉。 春 雨 依 微 春 尚 早 长 安 贵 游 爱 芳 草。 宝 马...

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