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Chinese film: Seer赛尔号

In 2110 AD, the resources on the Earth had been exhausted. Sai Xiaoxi, a substandard Seer Robot, formed the Seer pioneer fighting unit with Kalulu, the Repair Type Seer Robot, and Atieda, the Battle Type Seer Robot. The team pilots the Seer spacecraft to look for Rey, the legendary guardian of the inexhaustible resource.

After many hardships, Sai Xiaoxi and his partners finally found the legendary inexhaustible resource, but it was then destroyed by the pirates. However, they sought out their hope in despair. They were told that in the depth of the space, there was another inexhaustible resource, guarded by Poni. So then, the squad set out to the Kalan Galaxy and looked for him. Would Sai Xiaoxi meet Cassius and Blake, the two members of the Mars Alliance? What about the Azure Dragon and the Three Giants from the Devildom or the Dragon Prince Hamlet? Would they eventually acquire the inexhaustible resource?
Key word
机器人jī qì rén:robot
宇宙yǔ zhòu: outer space
能源nénɡ yuán:energy
冒险mào xiǎn:take a risk

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