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Chinese film:Bluecat and Diandian Travel Around the World蓝猫典典环游记

BLUCAT AND DIAN DIAN TRAVEL AROUND THE WORLD displays Bluecat and Dian Dian experiencing local customs and making various friends around the virtual world. In the movie, they received many fancy and interesting missions from the miraculous Space-time Mirror. To complete these missions, they two had to deal with various people in different places. During the trip, Bluecat learned how to respect others; Dian Dian became areliable companion and realized the importance of knowledge. Going through ups and downs, after the quarrels and cooperation, Bluecat and Dian Dian formed a deep friendship. Finally, they made a united effort to complete the ultimate test.

Key words:
风土人情fēnɡtǔ rénqínɡ:local customs
朋友pénɡ you:friends
环游huán yóu:round trip
任务rèn wù:task

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