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Chinese Radical

Now in modern Chinese there are more than 50,000 characters in total. And the number of commonly used word is 2500. Is there anything that can help you to more easily recognize and learn Chinese characters? The answer is yes. In 1983, Chinese Character Reform Committee published a list of 201 components and their sequence. These components are called “radicals”(部首bùshǒu). Each radical has a meaning. Today we will learn some radicals.

1.水(氵)(meaning: water)
This radical is called “水部shuǐbù”.
Sample Characters:江(river),河(river),海(sea).

2.刀(刂)(meaning: knife)
This radical is called “刀部lìdāobù”.
Sample Characters:切(cut),割(mow),刺(stab).

3.土(meaning: earth)
This radical is called “土部tǔbù”.
Sample Characters:坪(level ground),坝(dam),坎(pit).

4. 疒(meaning: sickness)
This radical is called “疒部bìngzìbù”.
Sample Characters:病(sickness),疼(ache),疤(scar).

5. 火(meaning: fire)
This radical is called “火部huǒbù”.
Sample Characters:炒(fry),炸(fry),烟(fume).

6.木(meaning: wood)
This radical is called “木部mùbù”.
Sample Characters:树(tree),杆(staff),杏(apricot).

7.手 (扌)(meaning: hand)
This radical is called “手部shǒubù”.
Sample Characters:打(beat),扔(throw),抓(catch).

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