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‘For the Loved' 亲爱的路人 by Liu Ruoying ~ [Chinese Songs]

“For the Loved” (or literally “Dear Passersby”) (亲爱的路人,  Qīnài de lùrén) is included in 43-year-old Taiwanese singer René Liu aka Liu Ruoying (刘若英, Liú Ruòyīng) ‘s latest eponymous album, released on May 10th. This song is the ending theme song for the popular TV drama Drama Go Go Go (or literally Big Sister Marching Forward) (姐姐立正向前走,  Jiějie lìzhèng xiàngqiánzǒu).

Composer: Mitsutoshi Kimura
Lyrics: Lin Xi (Albert Leung)
Arrangements: Taisuke Sawachika
Singer: René Liu (Liu Ruoying)

Lyrics (Original Chinese, Pinyin Romanization, and English Translation):

Text: 亲爱的,我已经大火车站了。。。
Text: Dear, I’ve already arrived at the train station…
At first I thought he was just a passerby, never imagining that he would become my love;

Who I once thought was my greatest love, ultimately turned out to be just a passerby.


一个一个笑窝 一段一段泪光 (Yígè yígè xiàowō yíduàn yíduàn lèiguāng)
One dimple after another, glistening teardrops again and again,



每一次都以为 是永远的寄托 (Měiyícì dōu yǐwéi shì yǒngyuǎn de jìtuō)
every time I thought, you would be the person I could count on forever.



承受不起的伤 来不及痊愈就解脱 (Chéngshòu bùqǐ de shāng láibùjí quányù jiù jiětuō)
Unbearable wounds, we broke up before they even had a chance to heal



我们 已经各得其所 (Wǒmen yǐjīng gèdéqísuǒ)
We, are now where we should be.



所谓承诺 都要分了手才承认是枷锁 (Suǒwèi chéngnuò dōuyào fēnleshǒu cái chéngrèn shì jiāsuǒ)
The so-called promises, only when we broke up did we admit they were shackles



所谓辜负 都是浪漫地蹉跎 (Suǒwèi gūfù dōushì làngmàn de cuōtuó)
The so-called disappointments, were all romantic wastes of time



所以别问 还差什么 我们没结果 (Suǒyǐ biéwèn háichà shénme wǒmen méi jiéguǒ)
So don’t ask, what are we lacking, there is nothing [no fruit borne] for us



都结了果 却由他来收获 (Dōu jiéleguǒ quē yóu tā lái shōuhuò)
The fruit has been borne, but it was he who reaped them.



那时候 年轻得不甘寂寞 (Nàshíhou niánqīng de bùgānjìmò)
Back then, [we were] so young that we were unwilling to be lonely



错把磨练当成折磨 (Cuò bǎ móliàn dāngchéng zhémó)
mistook tempering oneself for torture.



对的人终于会来到 (Duìderén zhōngyú huì láidào)
The right person will eventually come along



因为 犯的错够多 (Yīnwèi fāndecuò gòuduō)
because we’ve made enough mistakes



总要为 想爱的人不想活 (Zǒngyào wèi xiǎngǎi de rén búxiǎnghuó)
One must first want to die for the person we want to love



才跟该爱的人生活 (Cài gēn gāiài de rén shēnghuó)
before we can live with the person we should love



来过 走过 是亲爱的路人 成全我 (Láiguò zǒuguò shì qīn’ài de lùrén chéngquán wǒ)
Having come, having left, it’s the dear passersby who completed me.



尘埃落定之后 回忆别来挑拨 (Chén’āiluòdìng zhīhòu huíyì biélái tiǎobō)
After the dust settles, memories don’t come instigate/provoke



何必刻意难过 去证明快乐过 (Hébì kèyì nánguò qù zhèngmíng kuàilè guò)
Why force ourselves to be sad, to prove that we were once happy?



时间改变你我 来不及回看就看破 (Shíjiān gǎibiàn nǐwǒ láibùjí huíkàn jiù kànpò)
Time changed you and me, and we saw through each other before having a chance to look back



洒脱 是必要的执着 (Sǎtuō shì bìyào de zhízhuó)
Letting go, is being persistent as needed.



CHORUS #2 x2


那时候 只懂得爱谁最多 (Nàshíhou zhǐ dǒngdé àishuí zuìduō)
Back then, I only knew who to love the most



忘了谁最懂得爱我 (Wàngleshuí zuìdǒngdé àiwǒ)
but forgot who knew the most to love me.



对的人会成为一对 (Duīderěn huì chéngwéi yíduì)
The right people will eventually be together



因为 再不怕犯错 (Yīnwèi zài búpà fàncuò)
because they are no longer afraid of making mistakes



没有错 让最爱的人错过 (Méiyoucuò ràng zuìài de rén cuòguò)
It’s true, only by letting the one you love most pass you by



才知道最后爱什么 (Cái zhīdào zuìhòu àishénme)
will you know what you ultimate love.



来吧 来吧 让亲爱的路人 珍惜我 (Láiba láiba ràng qīn’ài de lùrén zhēnxī wǒ)
Come, come, let the dear passers-by cherish me



没有你们爱过 没有我 (Méiyǒu nǐmen àiguò méiyǒu wǒ)
[Because] without you having loved me, there is no me.


[End segment]
Man: 好久不见
Man: It’s been a long time.

Woman: 那我先走了
Woman: So I’ll be going.

Text: 亲爱的,我下午就到家了。
Text: Dear, I’ll be home by the afternoon.

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