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Li Bai: Drink Wine to Recall Imperial Officer He: Two Poems: No. 2

Drinking Wine to Recall Imperial Officer He: Two Poems: No.2

对 酒 忆 贺 监 :二 首
狂 客 归 四 明
山 阴 道 士 迎。
敕 赐 镜 湖 水
为 君 台 沼 荣。
人 亡 馀 故 宅
空 有 荷 花 生。
念 此 香 如 梦
凄 然 伤 我 情。
Dui Jiu Yi He Jian: Er Shou


Kuang ke gui si ming
Shan yin dao shi ying.
Chi ci jing hu shui
Wei jun tai zhao rong.

Ren wang yu gu zhai
Kong you he hua sheng.
Nian ci xiang ru meng
Qi ran shang wo qing.


Drink Wine to Recall Imperial Officer He: Two Poems: No.2

The crazy visitor returned to Si Ming
Daoist scholars met him on the way to Mt. Yin.
By imperial edict, mirrored lake water given your name
Makes your terraces and natural ponds prosper.

Your old house remains busy with visitors
Only have seasonal flowers emerge.
Thoughts of you like far away dreams
My emotions full of mournful wounds.



Mt. Yin: Located on the southern border of the eastern Gobi Desert. Inside the current province of Inner Mongolia, it was the stronghold of nomadic invaders throughout the centuries.

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