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Li Qingzhao: Spring Finds also a Lady’s Seclusion with Returning Green -菩萨蛮.归鸿声断残云碧












The Honking Geese to the North are Gone

– to the tune of Pusaman

Translated by Julia Min

The honking geese have left the sky,

now empty with torn clouds behind.

North sills still find some snow outside,

a smoke so still from the censer inside.

The puppet in golden paper on my hair

Shines with phoenix pin in candle light.

The dripping of water-clock is broken

by the morning horn, clear from beyond.

The stars are gone, nothing in sky at dawn,

but cold west wind to greet early spring.

It’s not yet for the darling buds and bells.

My heart feels like water, still in chills.


A strong sense of rootless and alienated sentiment is felt here as it was written in the early days of her settlement in Hangzhou soon after her loss of home, husband and ten households of artistic collections. The scene starts at twilight through her sleepless night to the next morning. Not a word of loneliness or teardrops used in the work but the undertone in hidden in every line. The wild geese are often mentioned in Li Qingzhao’s poems to symbolize her nostalgic and homesick feelings towards her husband and homeland here. Though she had some social life in this new land, but her heart stayed in her homeland of her dreams. Gradually, she withdrew to her small circle of friends, living the life of Recluse Yi’an.

An associating piece could be from Anne Bronte (1820-1849):

“I love the silent hour of night,

for blissful dreams may then arise,

revealing to my charmed sight

what may not bless my waking eyes.”

Pinying and Word -For-Word Translation:

pú sà mán – the music for this song poem;

guī hóng shēng duàn cán yún bì – returning geese sound no more few clouds in sky

bèi chuāng xuě luò lú yān zhí – northside windows snow fall incense burner smoke straight;

zhú dǐ fèng chāi míng – under the candles phoenix pin shines;

chāi tóu rén shèng qīng – the figure on hair is very light;

jiǎo shēng cuī xiǎo lòu – horn sound chases morning water-clock;

shǔ sè huí niú dòu – daylight at dawn returns the Zodiac and Dipper stars;

chūn yì kàn huā nán – spring early look at flowers difficult;

xī fēng liú jiù hán – west wind holds still the cold;


1. guī hóng: The wild geese returned to the North when spring starts in the South where Li Qingzhao lived after her home in the north being conquered. Wild geese are regarded as the highest among birds in moral standards of benevolence, faithfulness, ceremony, wisdom and honesty. The geese team is like a family taking care of each other no mater how small or how old you are. The sick and the dying are been attended to as well. So they are respected and loved by Chinese.

2. chāi tóu rén: a figure made of golden paper used as an ornament on hairdo or room screens during People’s Day on the 7th day of Chinese New Year. Family meal was supposed to have seven dishes.

3. jiǎo shēng the sound of military horn, hinting the war between the Song and the Jin invaders from the North.

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