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Li Yu: While Sick, Writing of People and Things

While Sick, Writing of People and Things


病 中 书 事
病 身 坚 固 道 情 深
宴 坐 清 香 思 自 任。
月 照 静 居 唯 捣 药
门 扃 幽 院 只 来 禽。
庸 医 懒 听 词 何 取
小 婢 将 行 力 未 禁。
赖 问 空 门 知 气 味
不 然 烦 恼 万 涂 侵。
Bing Zhong Shu Shi

Bing shen jian gu dao qing shen
Yan zuo qing xiang si zi ren.
Yue zhao jing ju wei dao yao
Men jiong you yuan zhi lai qin.

Yong yi lan ting ci he qu
Xiao bi jiang xing li wei jin.
Lai wen kong men zhi qi wei
Bu ran fan nao wan tu qin.


While Sick Writing of People and Things

From a sick body, blaze a solid path to the deep Daoist emotions
In a Buddha place, pure fragrances to think of clarity and focus.
Quiet moonlight, live alone with the pounding of medicines
Bolted door, isolated and secluded courtyard with a few arriving birds.

Lazy and incompetent palace doctors not worth listening to
Without the power and endurance, a small house girl helps me to walk.
Thankful I can ask the Buddha to realize the heavenly scents
Without this, the ten thousand worries and angers would erase me.

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