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Lu Yu: Now a Traveler to the Pavilion at Ke Bridge

Now a Traveler to the Pavilion at Ke Bridge

柯 桥 客 亭
小 市 初 晴 已 过 春
朱 樱 青 杏 一 番 新。                                                                                              灞 陵 老 子 无 人 识
暂 借 邮 亭 整 角 巾。
Ke Qiao Ke Ting

Xiao shi chu qing yi guo chun
Zhu ying qing xing yi fan xin.                                                                                                    Ba ling lao zi wu ren shi
Zan jie you ting zheng jiao jin.


Now a Traveler to the Pavilion at Ke Bridge

Small market, clearing skies already signal the end of spring
Bright cherries, green apricots., everything looks new and fresh.                 Like the Laozi story of Baling, the people here have no knowledge of me
Stop at the post relay station to put up my hair like a local rural recluse.

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