Liu Zongyuan(柳宗元) Biography - Chinese poet during the Tang Dynasty
Liu Zongyuan was a famous poet of the Tang Dynasty in China. He was born in 773 AD in what is now Henan Province and was...
Liu Zongyuan was a famous poet of the Tang Dynasty in China. He was born in 773 AD in what is now Henan Province and was...
与浩初上人[1]同看山寄京华[2]亲故 柳宗元 海畔[3]尖山似剑铓[4], 秋来处处割愁肠。 若为[5]化得身千亿, 散上峰头望故乡。 注释: [1] 上人:和尚的尊称。 [2] 京华:京城。 [3] 海畔:畔,边。柳州在南方,距海较近,...
别舍弟宗一[1] 柳宗元 零落残魂[2]倍黯然[3], 双垂别泪越江[4]边。 一身去国六千里, 万死[5]投荒[6]十二年。 桂岭[7]瘴[8]来云似墨, 洞庭[9]春尽水如天。 欲知此后相思梦, 长在荆门[10]郢[11]树烟。 注释:...
溪居 柳宗元 久为簪组[1]束, 幸此南夷[2]谪[3]。 闲依农圃邻, 偶似山林客。 晓耕翻露草, 夜榜[4]响溪石。 来往不逢人, 长歌楚天[5]碧。 注释: [1] 簪组:这里是做官的意思。 [2] 南夷:这里指当时南方的少数民族地区...