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Zhang Ruoxu, The Moon over the River on a Spring Night - 张若虚《春江花月夜》















The Night of Flowers and Moonlight on the Spring River, praised by Mr. Wen Yiduo as “the poem in poetry, the peak on the peak” (“The Self redemption of Palace Style Poetry”), has fascinated countless readers for more than a thousand years. Zhang Ruoxu, who has left only two poems in his life, also because of this poem, “he is so isolated that he can be everyone”.
This poem follows the old theme of the Chen Sui Yuefu, uses the elegant pen full of life flavor, takes the moon as the main body and the river as the scene, depicts a beautiful, faraway, and confused picture of the moon night on the spring river, describes the sincere and moving parting feelings of the wanderer thinking about his wife and the life feelings full of philosophical meaning, expresses a kind of absolute universe consciousness, and creates a deep, remote, and quiet realm. The whole poem consists of 36 sentences. Every four sentences have a different rhyme. The whole poem is a combination of poetry, painting and philosophy. The artistic conception is empty, the imagination is strange, the language is natural and meaningful, the rhythm is melodious, and the thick fat powder in the palace of the Six Dynasties has been washed away. It has a high aesthetic value. It is known as “The whole Tang Dynasty is covered by a single article”.
The poet started to solve the problem, and at the beginning of the article, he started to write the topic, sketching a magnificent picture of the moon night on the spring river: the river tide connects the sea, and the moon rises together. The “sea” here refers to nothing. The river tides are vast and boundless, as if connected with the sea. At this time, a bright moon came into being with the tide, and the scene was spectacular. The word “life” gives the bright moon and the tide a lively life. The moon shines thousands of miles away, and where is the spring river not in the bright moon! The river meanders around the spring field where flowers and plants are everywhere. The moonlight pours on the flowers and trees, like a layer of white snow. The poet is really a masterful hand. With a gentle stroke, he can spot the strange “flowers” in the moonlight of the Spring River. At the same time, he skillfully paid full attention to the topic of “Spring River Flower Moonlight”. The poet’s observation of the moonlight is extremely subtle: the moonlight has washed away the colorful things in the world and dyed the world into a dreamlike silver. Therefore, “the flowing frost can’t feel the flying”, “the white sand can’t see”, and there is only bright moonlight. The exquisite brushwork creates a mythical and wonderful realm, making the night of flowers and moons on the Spring River seem particularly beautiful and peaceful. These eight sentences, from big to small, from far to near, gradually condensed into a solitary moon.
The clear and clear universe of heaven and earth seems to make people enter a pure world, which naturally causes the poet’s reverie and meditation: “Who was the first person to see the moon by the river? When did the river moon shine on people?” The poet’s mind leaps, but it is closely linked with life, exploring the philosophy of life and the mysteries of the universe. The ancients also had this kind of exploration, such as Cao Zhi’s “Send Ying Shi Away”: “There is no end in heaven and earth, and human life is like frost in the morning”; Ruan Ji’s “Yonghuai”: “Life is like dust and dew, and the way of heaven is long”, etc., but most of the themes of the poems are lamenting that the universe is eternal and life is short. Zhang Ruoxu is different here. Instead of falling into the stereotype of his predecessors, he has come up with a new idea: “Life is endless from generation to generation, and the river and moon are only similar from year to year.” Personal life is short and fleeting, while human existence is long and lasting, because the life of “endless from generation to generation” coexists with the bright moon of “only similar from year to year”. This is a relief that the poet feels from the beauty of nature. Although the poet is sentimental about the short life, it is not decadence and despair, but the pursuit and love of life. The tone of the whole poem is “sad but not sad”, so that we can hear the echo of the voice of the early and high Tang Dynasty.
“I don’t know who Jiangyue is going to be, but I see the Yangtze River sending flowing water”, which is closely related to the previous sentence “only similar”. Life goes on from generation to generation, and Jiangyue goes on like this every year. A solitary moon hovers in the sky, as if waiting for someone, but it can never be achieved. Under the moonlight, there is only the torrent of the river rushing away. With the flow of the river, the poem has become turbulent, pushing the poetry to a more profound realm. Jiang and Yue hate each other. The poet naturally changed his brushwork from the natural scenery in the first half of the article to the image of life, leading to the sadness of separation and parting of lovesickness in the second half.
The four lines of “white clouds” are always written in the yearning for women and wanderers on the moonlit night of the Spring River. “White Cloud” and “Green Maple Pool” hold things to express feelings. The white clouds are drifting, symbolizing the uncertain whereabouts of the “boat son”. “Qingfeng Pu” is a place name, but “Feng” and “Pu” are often used to feel other scenery and places in poetry. The two intertextualities of “Who’s home?” and “Where?” make sense. It is precisely because there are more than one family and one place where there is sorrow for parting. The poet put forward such a question. A kind of acacia leads to sorrow for parting in two places. One goes back and forth, and the poem is full of twists and turns.
The following eight “pitiful” sentences inherit the “where” sentence to write the memory of Miss Fu for leaving. However, the poet did not talk directly about the sadness and tears of Miss Fu, but used the “moon” to set off her yearning, and the tears came out. The poem personifies the “moon”, and the word “wandering” is very vivid: first, the floating clouds are moving, so the light and shadow are uncertain; Second, the moonlight lingered upstairs with pity for her. It wants to accompany Miss Fu to relieve her worries, so it sprinkles the soft light on the makeup mirror table, the jade door curtain, and the stamping clothes anvil. How could I have expected that Miss Fu was touched by the scenery, but missed her even more. She wanted to drive away the annoying moonlight, but the moonlight was “unable to roll away” and “still coming”, and sincerely attached to her. Here, the two spoony movements of “roll” and “brush” vividly show the sadness and confusion in the heart of the missing woman. The love caused by the moonlight was deeply disturbing her. At this moment, the moonlight was shining on her lover far away? Looking at the moonlight and unable to know each other, we had to rely on the bright moon to send our love for each other. Looking at the sky: The wild geese fly far away. The light and shadow that can’t fly out of the moon are futile; Look at the river. The fish are jumping in the deep water. They just stir up ripples. It’s useless to jump. “The ruler is in the intestines of fish, and the heart of an inch depends on the feet of a wild goose.”. To the fish and geese who are responsible for delivering messages, they can’t deliver any news now – it’s time to add some sorrow!
The last eight sentences are about a wanderer. The poet used falling flowers, flowing water and the waning moon to set off his homesickness. “Xiao Zhouzi” even dreams about going home – flowers fall in the secluded pool, spring is getting old, and people are still far away from the world. How can I feel! The river flows with spring, which is not only the natural spring, but also the youth, happiness and longing of the wanderers. The falling moon in the river and pool set off his lonely feeling. The heavy sea fog obscured the setting moon; Jieshi and Xiaoxiang are far away from each other. The word “heavy” aggravates his loneliness; The “Infinite Road” also deepened his homesickness infinitely. He thought: How many people can return to their hometown on this beautiful night of Spring River! His unfailing love, accompanied by the light of the waning moon, spread over the trees by the river
“The falling moon sways all over the river trees”, the “swaying feeling” of this sentence – endless yearning, which interweaves the moonlight feeling, the wanderer feeling and the poet’s feeling. It falls on the river trees and also on the readers’ hearts. The sentiment is curly, swaying and fascinating.
In terms of ideology and art, Night of Flowers and Moonlight on the Spring River surpasses those simple scenery poems before, philosophical poems that “envy the infinite universe and mourn my life for a moment”, and love poems that express children’s parting feelings. The poet infused these common traditional themes with new meanings, integrating poetry, painting and philosophy. By virtue of the description of spring river flowers and moonlit nights, he admired the wonderful scenery of nature, eulogized the pure love of the world, expanded his sympathy for wandering people and women, combined it with the pursuit of life philosophy and the exploration of the mysteries of the universe, so as to form a kind of feeling, scenery The beautiful and remote artistic conception of the water emulsion. The poet hides the profound and beautiful art world in a confused artistic atmosphere. The whole poem seems to be shrouded in an ethereal and confused moonlight, attracting readers to explore the true meaning of its beauty.
The whole poem is written against the background of spring, river, flowers, moon and night, and the moon is the main body. The “moon” is a combination of scenes in the poem. It beats the poet’s pulse. It is like a link of life in the whole poem, running from top to bottom, touching God. The poetic feeling rises and falls with the birth and fall of the moon wheel. The moon went through the process of rising – hanging – leaning to the west – falling overnight. In the light of the moon, river water, beach, sky, field, maple, flower forest, frost, white sand, boat, tall building, mirror platform, anvil stone, flying wild goose, diving fish dragon, sleepless thinking woman and wandering wanderer form a complete poetic image, showing a picture full of life philosophy and life interest. The color of the painting is light and thick. Although the ink is used to outline the spot dyeing, the “ink is divided into five colors”, which shows the colorful artistic effect from the combination of black and white and the combination of reality and emptiness, just like an elegant Chinese ink painting, reflecting the beautiful artistic conception of spring river flowers and moonlight.
The rhythm of the poem is also distinctive. The emotional melody that the poet poured into the poem is extremely sad and stirring, but the melody is neither lamentable nor urgent, but like a nocturne or a dream song played by a violin, it is meaningful and meaningful. The inner feelings of the poem are so warm and deep, but it seems natural and peaceful, just like the pulse beating, it is regular and rhythmic, and the rhythm of the poem also rises and falls accordingly. There are thirty-six sentences in the whole poem, four sentences change rhymes, and nine rhymes. It starts with the flat Geng rhyme, and ends with the oblique encountering rhyme. The poet alternated Yang Ru rhyme with Yin Ru rhyme, with high and low tones, and the order is Hongliang (Geng, Shoal, Zhen) – Fine (paper) – Soft (especially, gray) – Hongliang (literature, hemp) – Fine (encounter). The whole poem changes with the change of rhyme, and the interlaced use of flat and oblique tones, singing three sighs and echoing the front and back, which is not only repeated, but also emerging in endlessly. The music has a strong and beautiful rhythm. This change in pronunciation and charm is also in line with the ups and downs of poetic sentiment. It can be said that the sound and sentiment are closely linked with the literary sentiment, and it is almost harmonious. ▲

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