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The Rules of Stroke Order


The horizontal stroke 一(héng) precedes the vertical stroke ︱(shù):when a horizontal stroke and the vertical stroke cross,write the horizontal stroke first ,then the vertical stroke and other strokes,e.g.“十、丰、寸、夫”。


The left-falling stroke 丿 (piě)precedes the right-falling stroke ㄟ(nà):when a left-falling stroke and a precedes the right-falling stroke converger,write the left-falling stroke before the right-falling stroke ,e.g.人、入、文、又。


From top to bottom:write the upper stroke first,then the low ones,e.g.土(十comes first)、于(二comes first)、门(the dot srokes丶 comes first)。

4、从左到右:先写左边后写右边。如:“八(先写左边的一撇)、 旧(先写左边的一竖)”。

From left to right :write the stroke on the left first,then the ones on the right.e.g. 八(beginning with the left-falling stroke 丿 on the left),旧(beginning with the the vertical stroke 丨on the left)

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