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Write “羊”(sheep;goat) in Chinese character

One character a day, easy to master Chinese characters. Let’s take a look at the basic knowledge of “羊”.

羊 yáng
Explnantion: sheep
Phrases: 羊羔(yánɡ ɡāo) lamb  ;羊圈 (yánɡ juàn)sheepfold
这是羊的正面轮廓( ),两只角加上一个三角形的嘴就成了“羊”。后来三角形演变成一条直线和三条横线,加上头上的两只角就成为现在的“羊”字。羊在古时多用作祭祀,所以它便是“吉祥”的象征。

(  ) picture the frontal view of a sheep: two horns and a triangle towards the bottom representing the mouth. Later the triangle was divided into one vertical stroke and three horizontal strokes; and this is how we write the character today.



Nà tóu mǔyánɡ shēnɡ xià le yì qún xiǎo yánɡɡāo.
The ewe lambed.
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