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Yang Wanli: Farming Household Poem Using Six-Word Lines

Farming Household Poem Using Six-Word Lines

农 家 六 言
插 秧 已 盖 田 面
疏 苗 犹 逗 水 光。
白 鸥 飞 处 极 浦
黄 犊 归 时 夕 阳。
Nong Jia Liu Yan

Cha yang yi gai tian mian
Shu miao you dou shui guang.

Bai ou fei chu ji pu
Huang du gui shi xi yang.


Farming Household Poem Using Six-Word Lines

Transplanted rice seedlings already cover the field’s surface
Spaces between these sprouts create a smooth and aquatic scenery.

White seagulls fly far away to reach the river mouth
Yellow ox calves return home during the sunset.

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