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Autumn Meditations (1)

Autumn Meditations (1)
Du Fu
秋兴八首 (一)

白帝城高急暮砧 qiū xìng bā shǒu (yī)

yù lù diāo shāng fēng shù lín
wū shān wū xiá qì xiāo sēn
jiāng jiān bō làng jiān tiān yǒng
sài shàng fēng yún jiē dì yīn
cóng jú liǎng kāi tā rì lèi
gū zhōu yí xì gù yuán xīn
hán yī chù chù cuī dāo chǐ
bái dì chéng gāo jí mù zhēn Jade dew wither wound maple forest
Wu mountain wu gorge air desolate and dreary
River on wave meet sky surge
Pass on wind cloud join earth dark
Shrub chrysanthemum two open it day tear
Single boat one link hometown heart
Cold clothes place place urge knife measure
Baidicheng high urgent evening flat stone Jade dew withers and wounds the groves of maple trees,
On Wu mountain, in Wu gorge, the air is dull and drear.
On the river surging waves rise to meet the sky,
Above the pass wind and cloud join the earth with darkness.
Chrysanthemum bushes open twice, weeping for their days,
A lonely boat, a single line, my heart is full of home.
Winter clothes everywhere are urgently cut and measured,
Baidicheng above, the evening’s driven by beating on stones.

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