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Chinese Food – Chinese famous snacks

Chinese cuisine has a history of five thousand years. When it comes to snacks, there are countless types of snacks all over the country. In particular, the special snacks from various places are even more diverse and diverse. The cuisines of various regions have their own flavors. No matter where you are, there are always different foods for you to taste. China naturally has its own unique characteristics for food, and cuisines from all over the country are even more popular. Let’s take a look at the most local cuisines from all over the country.

Beijing Donkey Rolling

Beijing Donkey Rolling

As an ancient historical and cultural capital, Beijing is also the capital of our country, so the snacks handed down are naturally very rich. Every snack has some background and carries historical changes. If you want to experience the old Beijing on the tip of your tongue, Beijing roast duck, donkey roll, old Beijing fried noodles, Ai Wowo, sugar fire, pea yellow, kidney bean rolls, fried enema, you must taste them.


Tianjin Goubuli Bun

Tianjin Goubuli Bun

Speaking of Tianjin, I believe everyone will think of Goubuli Baozi. In addition to the most familiar Goubuli steamed buns, ear-eye fried cakes, hemp flowers, pancakes, fruit rolls, and rolls are also must-try!


Shanghai Fried Bun

Shanghai Fried Bun

Shanghai snacks are known for their light, delicious, sweet and delicious flavors. They are fried buns, Nanxiang dumplings, three fresh small wontons, oily tofu noodle soup, noodles with onion oil, noodle cakes, mint cakes, crab shells, and glutinous rice dumplings. Sand balls and ribs rice cakes are so delicious!


Wuhan Hot Dry Noodles

Wuhan Hot Dry Noodles

Speaking of Wuhan snacks, you will definitely think of the bowl of hot dry noodles. In fact, in addition to hot dry noodles, Wuhan’s Jingwu duck neck, Sijimei soup dumplings, noodle nests, and Huangpi glutinous rice cakes are all very famous!


Hangzhou Shrimp Fried Noodle

Hangzhou Shrimp Fried Noodle

Hangzhou’s snacks pay attention to the seasons. In spring, there are many fish and shrimps, fresh bamboo shoots, shrimp fried eel noodles, Pianerchuan noodles, and shrimp meat dumplings; summer heat, mint cake, crystal cake, tuckahoe paste, meat bone porridge; three autumn lake crab fat, Crab meat dumplings, crab yellow big buns; in the twelfth lunar month, glutinous rice mochi and lard rose rice cakes.


Xi’an Roujiamo

Xi'an Roujiamo

When traveling to Xi’an, you must not miss these special famous foods, such as Liangpi, Roujiamo, Beef Soup, Mutton Soup, Mirror Cake, Pants Noodles, Small Crispy Pork, Boiled Noodles, Zhen Gao, each one will be served after eating. You will never forget it!


Guangxi snail noodles

Guangxi snail noodles

When it comes to snail noodles, it does make people feel love and hate. Just like stinky tofu, people who eat stinky tofu may find it fragrant, but people who don’t eat it find the smell very unpleasant. The most distinctive feature of Liuzhou snail noodles is the sour bamboo shoots because it takes a long time to cook to show the unique taste. Then it is matched with soup base, vermicelli, dried yuba, peanuts and some special seasonings. A bowl is reminiscent. The endless Liuzhou snail noodles are freshly baked!

Changsha Stinky Tofu

Changsha Stinky Tofu

Changsha Stinky Tofu is a traditional specialty snack of Hunan, The snack was once again turned intoStinky; Its color is jet black, the outside is charred and the inside is tender, fresh and spicy, charred and crispy but not sticky, tender but not greasy, smelling tangy at first, and tempting to smell the strong fragrance.


Chengdu Maocai

Chengdu Maocai

When it comes to Chengdu, people always think of hot pot, but today we will talk about Maocai. Maocai is a dish made with meat, soy products, vegetables, seafood, mushrooms as the main ingredients. It originated in Chengdu and is a traditional snack with Sichuan characteristics. The most exquisite way to eat maocai is the “dry dish”, that is, place dried chili powder in a small dish, add salt, MSG and other seasonings, lightly dip the hot dish in the pot, and then You can put it in your mouth, the taste is fragrant and spicy, and it is very delicious.

Guangzhou Shrimp Dumpling

Guangzhou Shrimp Dumpling

It is a local traditional snack in Guangdong Province, which belongs to the Cantonese cuisine among the eight major cuisines in China. The color of shrimp dumplings is white and crystal clear, the dumplings are beautiful in shape, the dermal texture is flexible, and the filling is delicious. If you go to Guangzhou, you must try the Guangzhou special shrimp dumplings.

Yunnan flower cake

Yunnan flower cake

The flower cake is a shortbread cake made of edible roses that are unique to Yunnan. It is a representative of Yunnan classic desserts with Yunnan characteristics. Most of the flower cakes are sold in Yunnan’s local bakery brands. In April of each year, waiting for the market of flower cakes has become the common expectation of the local people, and waiting in long lines to buy fresh flower cakes on the market has long become a common phenomenon.

Xinjiang cut cake

Xinjiang cut cake

“Cut cake” is a name given by people in areas outside Xinjiang based on the characteristics of the sale, without knowing the name. It is a traditional craft used by Xinjiang Uyghur people, using walnut kernels, corn syrup, raisins, and grapes. National characteristic food made from raw materials such as juice, sesame, roses, padan apricots, dates and so on.

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