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Chinese Food – Jiangsu Cuisine

Jiangsu cuisine, one of the eight traditional Chinese cuisines, referred to as Su cuisine. Because Su cuisine is similar to Zhejiang cuisine, it is collectively referred to as Jiangsu and Zhejiang cuisine. Mainly Jinling cuisine, Huaiyang , SU Xi dish, Xu dishes, and other regional dishes. Jiangsu cuisine originated more than 2,000 years ago, among which Jinling cuisine originated in the pre-Qin period when Wu people were good at making grilled fish, steamed fish, and fish fillets. The duck was already a Nanjing cuisine more than 1,000 years ago. In the Southern Song Dynasty, Su cuisine and Zhejiang cuisine were both the two pillars of “Southern Food”.

Jiangsu Cuisine

Jiangsu cuisine good stew, braised, steamed, fried, attention transfer soup to keep food juice, the flavor fresh and thick but not greasy, light but not thin, crisp loose bone without losing its shape and smooth, crisp and not Lose its taste.


Jinling cuisine has a mellow taste, exquisite and exquisite; Xuzhou cuisine has a strong hue and is characterized by five pungent flavors; Yangzhou cuisine is light and palatable with fine knives; Suzhou cuisine has a sweeter taste, elegant and colorful. Its dishes are Jinling roast duck, fish Pengcheng, Duck Soup, stew raw knock, grilled side, fish, Tibetan sheep side, crystal hoof meat dish, fried crab meat lion head, Farewell My Concubine, Wong simmer chicken, clear chicken Fu, brine Duck, Jinling dried duck, dog meat in glutinous rice sauce, golden fragrant pancake, chicken broth boiled and dried shreds, meat stuffed with raw bran, braised sandfish, anchovy shrimp, three sets of duck, Wuxi meat bones, Lu draft recommended sauce pig meat, etc.


Development History

Jiangsu cuisine (referred to as Su cuisine ). Beginning in the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Tang and Song Dynasties, economic development promoted the prosperity of the catering industry, and Su cuisine became one of the two pillars of “Southern Food”. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Su cuisine developed more rapidly along the canal from north to south and along the Yangtze River from east to west. The geographical advantage of the coast has expanded the influence of Su cuisine at home and abroad.


Su cuisine is composed of Jinling cuisine, Huaiyang cuisine, Suxi cuisine, and Xuhai cuisine. Its taste is fresh and fresh, salty but slightly sweet. It is a traditional five-pungent flavor and emphasizes the original flavor. It enjoys a high reputation at home and abroad.



Cuisine Features

According to the ” Qing Barnyard Notes” compiled by Xu Ke in Hangzhou, “the dishes have their own characteristics, such as Jingshi, Shandong, Sichuan, Guangdong, Fujian, Jiangning, Suzhou, Zhenjiang, Yangzhou, and Huai’an .” Half of the ten famous cities are in Jiangsu. Jiangsu cuisine department of Nanjing, Huaiyang, SU Xi, Xu four local cuisine composed of Huaiyang located in Jiangsu in east sea Winton Kai Yan Fu, Nanjing Liuhe west, south and Jingkou Jintan, north two Huai. Huaiyang cuisine is characterized by a rigorous selection of ingredients, attention to knife and firework, emphasis on the original flavor, highlighting the main ingredients, elegant color, novel shape, moderately salty and sweet, and mild taste, so it has a wide range of adaptations. In cooking techniques, stew, stew, simmer, and stew are often used. Which Jinling food to cook duck dish known, town, Yang dish to cook chicken dishes and fresh river known; its fine points to fermentation pasta, pastry Tangmian point, and point win.


Su cuisine is good at stewing, braising, steaming, and stir-frying. It pays attention to the soup and keeps the original juice. The flavor is fresh, thick but not greasy, light but not thin, crispy and deboned without losing its shape, smooth and crispy without losing its shape. taste. Jinling cuisine tastes mellow, exquisite, and delicate; Yangzhou cuisine is light and palatable, with fine knives; Suzhou cuisine tends to taste sweet, elegant, and colorful. The world-famous city is known as “Yang Yi Yi Two” ( Yizhou is Sichuan today). The prosperous market promotes the development of Su cuisine cooking skills. Sui and Tang Songjiang’s “ Golden Jade ”, sugar ginger honey crab; Suzhou’s exquisite peony, Yangzhou’s wisps are all beautifully shaped fancy dishes. The staple food and snacks of Su Cuisine were known as the “Seven Wonders of Health” in the Five Dynasties. Capsules whose distinct rice, soft but not bad, can rub the table; noodle bars tough, wear continuously form belt; thin transparent cake can reflect character; ravioli clear soup, Yan inject Surusumi; San children it smells and Crisp, “chewing to alarm Shili people”, which shows the superb skill.


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