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Bai Juyi: Among the Mountains: Mountain Ridge Clouds: Five Four-Line Poems: No. 1

Among the Mountains Mountain Ridge Clouds: Five Four-Line Poems: No. 1

山 中: 五 绝 句
岭 上 云
岭 上 白 云 朝 来 散
田 中 青 麦 旱 将 枯。
自 生 自 灭 成 何 事
能 逐 东 风 作 雨 无?
Shan Zhong Wu: Jue Ju
Ling Shang Yun

Ling shang bai yun zhao lai san
Tian zhong qing mai han jiang ku.
Zi sheng zi mie cheng he shi
Neng zhu dong feng zuo yu wu?


Among the Mountains: Mountain Ridge Clouds: Five Four-Line Poems


At dawn, white clouds do not disperse above the mountain peaks
Green fields of grain, lack of water withers their roots.
Naturally perish before more stalks emerge, they are things needing help
Can we not have the eastern breezes bring some more rainfall?

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