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Li Bai: Send As a Gift to Meng Haoran

Send As a Gift to Meng Haoran

赠 孟 浩 然
吾 爱 孟 夫 子
风 流 天 下 闻。
江 颜 弃 轩 冕
白 首 卧 松 云。
醉 月 频 中 圣
迷 花 不 事 君。
高 山 安 可 仰
从 此 揖 清 芬。


Zeng Meng Hao Ran

Wu ai meng fu zi
Feng liu tian xia wen.
Jiang yan qi xuan mian
Bai shou wo song yun.

Zui yue pin zhong sheng
Mi hua bu shi jun.
Gao shan an he yang
Cong ci yi qing fen.


Send As a Gift to Meng Haoran

I love and respect master scholar Meng
His legend known throughout heaven and earth.
At a young age he already had forsaken the fancy carriages of the palace elite
Without an official position, he lies down among the pines and clouds.

Frequently drunk under the moon, yet retained his orientation and judgment
Lost among the peach blossoms, not a government bureaucrat.
Admire him, who towers above tall mountains
With respect, I bow to him and his purity.



Meng Haoran: Famous Tang Dynasty poet and friend of Li Bai.  His poems and biography can also be found on this website.

The peach blossoms: Refers to a famous poem by the Eastern Jin Dynasty poet Tao Yuanming. Please refer to this website for the poem and comments.

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