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Li Bai: Luoyang Spring Evening, Hear a Bamboo Flute

Luoyang Spring Evening, Hear a Bamboo Flute

春 夜 洛 城 闻 笛
谁 家 玉 笛 暗 飞 声
散 入 春 风 满 洛 城。
此 夜 曲 中 闻 折 柳
何 人 不 起 故 园 情?
Chun Ye Luo Cheng Wen Di

Shei jia yu di an fei sheng
San ru chun feng man luo cheng.                                                                                           Ci ye qu zhong wen she liu
He ren bu qi gu yuan qing?


Luoyang Spring Evening, Hear a Bamboo Flute

From whose house do the jade flute sounds fly
Scattered like the spring breezes filling all of Luoyang?

Middle of the evening hear the missing-home melodies
Who cannot feel the welling-up of these old garden feelings?



Luoyang: Former eastern capital city east of Chang’an (Xi’an).

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