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Bai Juyi: Send Off Yao, Going to His New Post in Hangzhou, Think of Our Past Travels: Two Poems

Send Off Yao, Going to His New Post in Hangzhou, Think of Our Past Travels: Two Poems

送 姚 杭 州 赴 任 因 思 旧 游: 二 首
与 君 细 话 杭 州 事
为 我 留 心 莫 等 闲。
闾 里 固 宜 勒 抚 恤
楼 台 亦 要 数 跻 攀。
笙 歌 缥 缈 虚 空 里
风 月 依 稀 梦 想 间。
且 喜 诗 人 重 管 领
遥 飞 一 盏 贺 江 山。
Song Yao Hang Zhou Fu Ren Yin Si Jiu You: Er Shou

Yu jun xi hua hang zhou shi
Wei wo liu xin mo deng xian.
Lu li gu yi le fu xu
Lou tai yi yao shu ji pan.

Sheng ge piao miao xu kong li
Feng yue yi xi meng xiang jian.
Qie xi shi ren chong guan ling
Yao fei yi zhan he jiang shan.


Send Off Yao, Going to His New Post in Hangzhou, Think of Our Past Travels: Two Poems

Give you a gentle talk about Hangzhou affairs
It will make your heart-mind adhere to the ordinary and easy.
When entering their neighborhood gates, work hard to treat the people with compassion
Also need to take the time to climb the towers and terraces every season.

Sheng melodies misty and elusive, other-worldly
Their moon and breezes enter into my unique dreams.
Happy to know a poet like you will take care of and appreciate this place
Your opportunity to toast and praise, as well as be praised by the rivers and mountains.



Yao He: (775-855) New mayor for the city of Hangzhou.

Sheng: reed woodwind instrument.

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