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Deep in Spring, the Rain's Passed (Picking Mulberries) -Ouyang Xiu (歐陽修)

Deep in Spring, the Rain’s Passed (Picking Mulberries)
Ouyang Xiu


欧阳修 〔宋代〕


Spring deep rain pass west lake good
Hundred grass vie beauty
Butterfly confused bee noisy
Clear day hurry flower warm almost blazeLily oar paint barge unhurried go
Suspect be spirit
Reflected light ripple in
Water broad wind high carry pipes strings
Deep in spring, the rain’s passed- West Lake is good.
A hundred grasses vie in beauty,
Confusion of butterflies, clamour of bees,
The clear day hurries the blossom to burst forth in the warmth.Oars in lilies, a painted barge moving without haste.
I think I see a band of sprites-
Light reflected in the ripples,
The high wind carries music over the broad water.
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