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Du Fu: Heard Our Government Troops Withdrew From Henan and Hebei

Heard Our Government Troops Withdrew From Henan and Hebei

闻 官 军 收 河 南 河 北
剑 外 忽 传 收 蓟 北
初 闻 涕 泪 满 衣 裳。
却 看 妻 子 愁 何 在?
漫 卷 诗 书 喜 欲 狂!
白 日 放 歌 须 纵 酒
青 春 作 伴 好 还 乡。
即 从 巴 峡 穿 巫 峡
便 不 襄 阳 向 洛 阳。


Wen Guan Jun Shou He Nan He Bei

Jian wai hu zhuan shou ji bei
Chu wen ti lei man yi shang.
Que kan qi zi chou he zai?
Man juan shi shu xi yu kuang!

Bai ri fang ge xu zong jiu
Qing chun zuo ban hao huan xiang.
Ji cong ba xia chuan wu xia
Bian bu xiang yang xiang luo yang.


Heard Our Government Troops Withdrew From Henan and Hebei

Suddenly heard the news that our swords no longer in northern regions
Upon receiving this, tears filled my clothes.
How did my wife and children wear their smiles so quickly?
So crazy happy, floods and volumes of poetry books will pour forth!

Daily we can openly sing songs and break open the wine
Surging green springtime energies, good time to return to our hometown.
Once we reach the Ba Gorge, then proceed further into the Wu Gorge
Flow down to Xiangyang, and then towards the capital of Luoyang.



Ba Gorge: Ancient name for the Wu Gorge.

Wu Gorge: Second of the Three Gorges on the Changjiang.

Xiangyang: City on the Han River.


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