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Li Bai: Send As a Gift to Second Cousin Where to Meet in Xiangyang

Send As a Gift to Second Cousin Where to Meet in Xiangyang

赠 从 兄 襄 阳 小 府 皓
结 发 未 识 事
所 交 尽 豪 雄。
却 秦 不 受 赏
击 晋 宁 为 功?
托 身 白 刃 里
杀 人 红 尘 中。
当 朝 揖 高 义
举 世 钦 英 风。
小 节 岂 足 言
退 耕 舂 陵 东。
归 来 无 产 业
生 事 如 转 蓬。
一 朝 狐 裘 敝
百 镒 黄 金 空。
弹 剑 徒 激 昂
出 门 悲 路 穷。
吾 兄 青 云 士
然 诺 闻 诸 公。
所 以 陈 片 言
片 言 贵 情 通。
棣 华 傥 不 接
甘 与 秋 草 同。


Zeng Cong Xiong Xiang Yang Xiao Fu Hao

Jie fa wei shi shi
Suo jiao jin hao xiong.
Que qin bu shou shang
Ji jin ning wei gong?

Tuo shen bai ren li
Sha ren hong chen zhong.
Dang zhao yi gao yi
Ju shi qin ying feng.

Xiao jie qi zu yan
Tui geng chong ling dong.
Gui lai wu chan ye
Sheng shi ru zhuan peng.

Yi zhao hu qiu bi
Bai yi huang jin kong.
Tan jian tu ji ang
Chu men bei lu qiong.

Wu xiong qing yun shi
Ran nuo wen zhu gong.
Suo yi chen pian yan
Pian yan gui qing tong.
Di hua tang bu jie
Gan yu qiu cao tong.


Send As A Gift to Second Cousin Where to Will Meet in Xiangyang

In early adulthood not yet know many things
Meeting a group of the bold and powerful.
Lu Gongyuan helped the Zhou to hold off the Qin without a reward
Others during Jin embraced peace for what merit?

Those wielding swords use their bodies as foils
To kill all of the bad people.
In the beginning, loyally bow with both hands clasped
All of society admires the handsome heroes.

Trivial things not worth words
Retire to rural simplicity in the hills of eastern Hubei.
Return without an occupation or accomplishments
My life and destiny like rolling tumble weeds.

Every morning wear a shabby and worn-out coat
One hundred gold pieces gone.
Old, small kingdom had one sword dancer, skilled and proud
I am also talented, yet away from home sad, poor and unrecognized.

We are scholars, you on the ladder to success
All workers have heard of your honor and integrity.
Therefore I write you to explain noble feelings and understanding
My younger brother, if he does not want to help me
I may as well be the same as autumn grasses.



Early adulthood: Around the age of 18-20, young men were now able to tie up their hair on top of their heads.

Xiangyang: City in Hubei Province

Lu Gongyuan: General who helped the Qin defeat the Zhou.

Zhou:  Longest Chinese dynasty (1046-256 BC) that included several smaller states around and between the Yellow River and the Changjiang.

Qin:  (897-207) included the western lands of the former Zhou, west of the state of Chu.

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