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Li Bai: Taken Ill in Wuhan, Drink Wine With City Mayor Mr. Wang

Taken Ill in Wuhan, Drink Wine With City Mayor Mr. Wang


自 汉 阳 病 酒 归 寄 王 明 府
去 岁 左 仟 夜 郎 道
琉 璃 砚 水 长 栌 槁。
今 年 赦 放 巫 山 阳
蛟 龙 笔 翰 生 辉 光。
圣 主 还 听 子 虚 赋
相 如 却 欲 论 文 章。
愿 扫 鹦 鹉 洲
与 君 醉 百 场。
啸 起 白 云 飞 七 泽
歌 吟 绿 水 动 三 湘。
莫 惜 连 般 沽 美 酒
千 金 一 掷 买 春 芳。
Zi Han Yang Bing Jiu Gui Ji Wang Ming Fu

Qu sui zuo qian ye lang dao
Liu li yan shui chang lu gao.
Jin nian she fang wu shan yang
Jiao long bi han sheng hui guang.

Sheng zhu huan ting zi xu fu
Xiang ru que yu lun wen zhang.
Yuan sao ying wu zhou
Yu jun zui bai chang

Xiao qi bai yun fei qi ze
Ge yin lu shui dong san xiang.
Mo xi lian ban gu mei jiu
Qian jin yi zhi mai chun fang.

Taken Ill in Wuhan, Drink Wine With City Mayor Mr. Wang

Last year departed on the road into exile to Yelang
Colored glaze inkstone water for a long time dried up and withered.
This year pardoned and let go, now on the sunny side of Mt. Wu
My writing brush now a flood dragon, poems emerge with radiance and light.

New emperor’s heart loves good literary compositions
Like Xiang Ru I want to discuss philosophy and literature with him.
I can clean up the islets of Yingwu
We can then get drunk there in the one hundred open spaces.

Make noises that arise to the white clouds and Seven Pools
Sing and chant as the green waters move to the three Xiang River tributaries.
At sunset, connect the excellent wine boat to ours
One thousand gold pieces to buy springtime aromatic wine.



Yelang: A tribal area in western Guizhou Province during the third century BC.

Xiang Ru: Famous poet from the Western Han Dynasty, Sima Xiangru (179-117 BC)

Yingwu: Also known as the Shanxi Province.

Seven Pools: Located inside Sichuan Province.

Xiang River: A principal tributary to the Changjiang (Yangzi River) in Hunan Province.

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