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Li Qingzhao: Last Night Scattered Rain

Last Night Scattered Rain

如 梦 令
昨 夜 雨 疏 风 骤
浓 睡 不 消 残 酒。
诗 问 卷 帘 人
却 道 “海 棠 依 旧”。
“知 杏?知 杏?
应 是 绿 肥 红 瘦!“
Ru Meng Ling

Zuo ye yu shu feng zhou
Nong shui bu xiao can jiu.

Shi wen juan lian ren
Que dao “Hai tang yi jiu.”

“Zhi xing? Zhi xing?
Ying shi lu fei hong shou!”


Last Night Scattered Rain:
(Like an Excellent Dream)

Last night scattered rain, strong winds
Slept heavily, yet the remnants of wine have not disappeared.

The household servant was asked the status of the flowers.
She replied, “The flowering crab apple is dependable like old friends.”

“Are you sure they are still there?”
I am convinced that now there are more leaves, and fewer flowers.

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