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Li Qingzhao: Writing Poems For Thirty Years: (Linked Poetry Using the Word “Zi”)

Writing Poems For Thirty Years: (Linked Poetry Using the Word “Zi”)

分 得 知 字
学 语 三 十 年
緘 口 不 求 知。                                                                                                        谁 遣 好 奇 士
相 逢 说 项 斯?
Fen De Zhi Zi

Xue yu san shi nian
Jian kou bu qiu zhi.                                                                                                                  Shei qian hao qi shi
Xiang feng shuo xiang si?


Linked Poetry Using the Word “Zi”

Writing poems for thirty years
Not knowing another’s circumstances, keep one’s mouth closed.                      Who sends for extraordinary and unique intellectuals
To meet each other and discuss the works of Xiang Si?

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