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Meng Haoran: Ye Mountain Stream, Floating in a Boat

Ye Mountain Stream, Floating in a Boat

耶 溪 泛 舟
落 景 馀 清 辉
轻 棹 弄 溪 渚。
澄 明 爱 水 物
临 泛 何 容 与。
白 首 垂 钓 翁
新 妆 浣 纱 女。
看 看 未 相 识
脉 脉 不 得 语。
Ye Xi Fan Zhou

Luo jing yu qing hui
Qing zhao nong xi zhu.
Cheng ming ai shui wu
Lin fan he rong yu.

Bai shou chui diao weng
Xin zhuang huan sha nu.
Kan kan wei xiang shi
Mai mai bu de yu.


Ye Mountain Stream, Floating in a Boat

Sunset, remaining light radiant and clear
Softly pole back and forth against river sandbars.
Water so bright and transparent, can see all forms of water life
So relaxing to float and follow the river currents.

White-haired old fisherman
Wash women, newly made-up, rinse their dyed material.
Looking at each other, our appearances mutually interesting
In silence, we admire one another.

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