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Ouyang Xiu: Butterflies Love Flowers: No. 4

Butterflies Love Flowers: No. 4

蝶 恋 花
海 燕 双 来 归 画 栋。
帘 影 无 风
花 影 频 移 动。
半 醉 腾 腾 春 睡 重。
绿 鬟 堆 枕 香 云 拥。
翠 被 双 盘 金 缕 凤。
忆 得 前 春
有 个 人 人 共。
花 里 黄 莺 时 一 弄。
日 斜 惊 起 相 思 梦。
Die Lian Hua


Hai yan shuang lai gui hua dong
Lian ying wu feng.
Hua ying pin yi dong
Ban zui teng chun shui shi.

Lu huan dui zhen xiang yun yong
Cui bei shuang pan jin lu feng.
Yi dei qian chun
You ge ren ren gong.
Hua li huang ying shi yi nong
Ri xie jing qi xiang si meng.


Butterflies Love Flowers: No. 4

Ocean swallows arrive in pairs, return to the painted roof beams
Curtain shadows without movement.
Flower shadows frequently move and shift
Springtime semi-drunk, half asleep and staggering gait.

Uncoiled hair, stacked pillows, head full of embracing clouds
Emerald green quilt, pair of entwined golden-threaded phoenixes.
Need to recall the time before spring
Last year we shared spring together.
Orioles inside flowers playing tricks on me
Sun setting, arise with a startle, still part-way inside my dreams.

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