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Ouyang Xiu: Close to River Immortals: First Poem

Close to River Immortals: First Poem

临 江 仙
柳 外 轻 雷 池 上 雨
雨 声 滴 碎 荷 声。
小 楼 西 争 断 虹 明。
阑 干 倚 处
待 得 月 华 生。
燕 子 飞 来 窥 画 栋
玉 钩 垂 下 帘 旌。
凉 波 不 动 簟 纹 平。
水 精 双 枕
傍 有 堕 钗 横。
Lin Jiang Xian


Liu wai qing lei chi shang yu
Yu sheng di sui he sheng.
Xiao lou xi jiao duan hong ming.
Lan gan yi chu
dai de yue hua sheng.

Yan zi fei lai kui hua dong
Yu gou chui xia lian jing.
Liang bo bu dong dian wen ping.
Shui jing shuang zhen
Bang you duo chai heng.


Close to River Immortals: First Poem

Outside willow trees and thunder, rain upon the pond
Broken drip-drop rain sounds upon the lotus, then onto the water.
Small buildings, bright and broken rainbow in the west
Lean against the lattice work, emerging bright moonlight a form of entertainment.

Swallow chicks in flight arrive at the painted rafters
Lowered curtains hang from jade hooks.
Cool waves of air, patterns imprinted her skin from the bamboo mat
Water exquisite, pair of pillows with sideways hairpins not far away.

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