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Ouyang Xiu: Honestly Discuss Regrets

Honestly Discuss Regrets

清 商 怨
关 河 愁 思 望 处 满。
渐 素 秋 向 晚。
雁 过 南 云
行 人 回 泪 眼。
双 鸾 衾 裯 悔 展。
夜 又 永,枕 孤 人 远。
梦 未 成 归
“梅 花” 闻 塞 管。


Qin Shang Yuan

Guan he chou si wang chu man
Jian su qiu xiang wan
Yan guo nan yun
Xing ren hui lei yan.

Shuang luan qin chou hui zhan
Ye you yong, zhen gu ren yuan
Meng wei cheng gui
“Mei Hua” wen sai guan.

Honestly Discuss Regrets

Mountain pass river anxiously looking and thinking about the future
Towards evening, beginning of white autumn scenery.
Wild geese pass into the southern clouds
This traveler turns around with tears in his eyes.

She regretted opening up her wedding quilt with a pair of luan
Every evening a solitary pillow, her man is far away.
Tonight he has no dreams of returning home
At a strategic border stronghold, only hear a wind musical instrument
playing the melody “Plum Blossoms”.



Luan: Legendary bird of ancient China

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