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Ouyang Xiu: Picking Mulberries: No. 3

Picking Mulberries: No. 3

画 般 载 酒 西 湖 好
急 管 繁 弦。
玉 盏 催 传。
稳 泛 平 波 任 醉 眠。
行 云 却 在 行 舟 下
空 水 澄 鲜。
俯 仰 流 连。
疑 是 湖 中 别 有 天。


Cai Sang Zi


Hua ban zai jiu xi hu hao
Ji guan fan xian
Yu zhan cui chuan
Wen fan ping bo ren zui mian.

Hang yun que zai hang zhou xia
Kong shui deng xian
Fu yang liu lian
Yi shi hu zhong bie you tian.


Picking Mulberries: No. 3

Painted boats easily carry wine on West Lake
Many wind and stringed musical instruments play.
Small jade cups used for a poetry-making game
Level water, calm waves endure drunkenness and sleep.

Drifting clouds, row of boats down below
Fresh and clear sky and waters.
Lift one’s head, time has flowed by again and again
Am I in the middle of the lake, or in the middle of the sky?

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