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Ouyang Xiu: Song and Dance Performer: (Talk of Innermost Feelings)

Song and Dance Performer: (Talk of Innermost Feelings)

歌 时 舞 时: 诉 衷 情
歌 时 眉 黛 舞 时 腰。
无 处 不 妖 饶。
初 剪 菊,欲 登 高。
天 气 怯 鮫 绡。
紫 丝 障,绿 杨 桥。
路 迢 迢。酒 阑 歌 罢
一 度 归 时
一 度 魂 消。
Ge Shi Wu Shi: (Su Zhong Qing)

Ge shi mei dai wu shi yao.
Wu chu bu yao rao.
Chu jian ju, yu deng gao.
Tian qi qie jiao xiao.

Zi si zhang, lu yang qiao.
Lu tiao tiao. Jiu lan ge ba
Yi du gui shi
Yi du hun xiao.


Song and Dance Performer: (Talk of Innermost Feelings)

Song and dance performer, painted black eyebrows that wink, waist that sways.
Without effort, she is abundantly seductive.
Time to begin to cut and trim the chrysanthemums

Weather just cool enough to wear qiejiao silk.

Only a purple silk screen and green poplar trees visible
Far away down the highway.
The singing and dancing draws to a close
Time for all to return home
Customer’s spirits soar and then vanish.



Qiejiao silk: Special silk fabric made in the mountainous regions of Guangdong Province using a soaked-in-mud technique.

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