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Su Dongpo: Late Spring, Li Gonze’s Departure

Late Spring, Li Gonze’s Departure


暮 春 别 李 公 择
簌 簌 无 风 花 自 堕
寂 寞 园 林, 柳 老 樱 桃 过 。
落 日 有 情 还 照 坐
山 青 一 点 横 云 破。
路 尽 河 回 人 转 舵
系 缆 渔 村, 月 暗 孤 灯 火。
凭 仗 飞 魂 招 楚 些
我 思 君 处 君 思 我。
Mu Chun Bie Li Gong Ze

Su su wu feng hua zi duo
Ji mo yuan lin, liu lao ying tao guo.
Luo ri you qing hai zhao zuo
Shan qing yi dian heng yun po.

Lu jin he hui ren zhuan duo
Ji lan you cun, yue an gu deng huo.
Ping zhang fei hun zhao chu xie
Wo si jun chu jun si wo.


Late Spring, Li Gongze’s Departure

Without wind, flowers shift and fall down by themselves
Garden park now quiet and still
Willow tree flowers white, cherry and peach tree blossoms have gone
Sunset, remaining emotions illuminate my spot where I sit.

Green mountains, horizon clouds breaking up
Riverside path ends, his boat continues on, rudder changes to follow the river
You will tie up at a fishing village
Moonlight dim, one solitary light on the boat.

I hope the government beckons you to come back
When body and soul are still together
I will think of you, and you will think of me.



Written for a close friend and political ally against the policies of Wang Anshi.

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