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Su Dongpo: Made Like a Dream

Made Like a Dream

如 梦 令
水 垢 何 曾 相 受
细 看 两 俱 无 有
寄 语 揩 背 人
尽 日 芳 君 挥 肘。
轻 手 轻 手
居 士 本 来 无 垢。
Ru Meng Ling

Shui gou he ceng xiang shou
Xi kan liang ju wu you.
Ji yu kai bei ren
Jin ri lao jun hui zhou.
Qing shou, qing shou
Ju shi ben lai wu gou.


Made Like a Dream

Water and dirt, how they can accept each other
Upon closer inspection, the water without dirt, the dirt without water.
I tell the man who rubs and wipes the bathers dry
After a long day, I appreciate your elbow grease.
Please make your hands soft and light
Because I work with books, I arrived without too much dirt.

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