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Su Dongpo: Middle of Xining

Middle of Xining

熙 宁 中,轼 通 守 此 邦,除 夜 直 都 厅,囚 系 皆
满,日 暮 不 得 返 舍,因 题 一 诗 于 壁
除 日 当 早 归
官 事 乃 见 留。
执 笔 对 之 泣
哀 此 系 中 囚。
小 人 营 糇 粮
隓 网 不 知 羞。
我 亦 恋 薄 禄
因 循 失 归 休。
不 须 论 小 贤 愚
均 是 为 食 谋。
谁 能 暂 纵 遣
闵 默 愧 前 修。
Xi Ning Zhong, Shi Tong Shou Ci Bang, Chu Ye Zhi Dou Ting, Qiu Xi Jie Man, Ri Mu Bu De Fan She, Yin Ti Yi Shi Yu Bi

Chu ri dang zao gui
Guan shi nai jian liu.
Zhi bi dui zhi qi
Ai ci xi zhong qiu.

Xiao ren ying hou liang
Duo wang bu zhi xiu.
Wo yi lian bao lu
Yin xun shi gui xiu.

Bu xu lun xian yu
Jun shi wei shi mou.
Shei neng zan zong qian
Min mo kui qian xiu.

Middle of Xining, I Am the Regional Prison Guard, New Year’s Eve Work Shift, the Jail is Full, at Sunset Still Unable to Go Home, Title of the Poem Written on the Wall

On New Year’s we should go home early
Government affairs make me stay late.
Holding my brush, recording all the entries brings tears
Such sorrow this prison system.

Most committed petty thefts seeking a little ration of food
Falling into a legal net, they feel no remorse.
I also work for the meager salary of a low government position
But tonight there is no rest, no going home.

One could argue that we are the same, no one more virtuous or foolish
All we really want is to make enough to eat.
How can the prisoners be let out for New Years
I can only feel silent shame for having the need of this money my job brings.



Xining: Capital city of Qinghai Province on the Tibetan plateau

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