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Su Dongpo: Mt. Ping Monastery

Su Dongpo: Mt. Ping Monastery Room

平 山 堂
三 过 平 山 堂 下
半 生 弹 指 声 中。
十 年 不 见 老 仙 翁
壁 上 龙 蛇 飞 动。
欲 弔 文 章 太 守
仍 歌 杨 柳 春 风。
休 言 万 事 转 头 空
未 转 头 时 皆 梦。
Ping Shan Tang

San guo ping shan tang xia
Ban sheng tan zhi shen zhong
Shi nian bu jian lao xian weng
Bi shang long she fei dong

Yu diao wen zhang tai shou
Reng ge yang liu chun feng
Xiu yan wan shi zhuan tou kong
Wei zhuan tou shi jie meng.


Mt. Ping Monastery Room

Three times I have passed by this Ping Mountain monastery room
With a snap of the fingers half a life is gone
For ten years I have not seen this immortal old man, Ouyang Xiu
Atop the wall, his Chinese characters like dragons and flying serpents
I want to write something to commemorate this man’s life.

Your songs “Poplars and Willows” and “Spring Wind” remain
Without dying, I already realize words and worldly things disappear in an instant
Even before turning my head around
Biographies and the aspects of time are all dreams and illusions.



Mt. Ping: Located in southwestern region of Suzhou.

Ouyang Xiu: (1007-1072) Famous Song Dynasty poet. His poetry will appear on this website in the coming months.

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