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Su Dongpo: Xin City Main Highway: Two Poems

Xin City Main Highway: Two Poems

新 城 道 中 :二 首
东 风 知 我 欲 山 行
吹 断 檐 间 积 雨 声。
岭 上 晴 云 披 絮 帽
树 头 初 日 挂 铜 钲。
野 桃 含 笑 竹 篱 短
溪 柳 自 摇 沙 水 清。
西 崦 人 家 应 最 乐
煮 芹 烧 笋 饷 春 耕。
身 世 悠 悠 我 此 行
溪 边 委 辔 听 溪 声。
散 材 畏 见 搜 林 斧
疲 马 思 闻 卷 旆 钲。
细 雨 足 时 茶 户 喜
乱 山 深 处 长 官 清。
人 间 歧 路 知 多 少。
试 向 桑 田 问 耦 耕。
Xin Cheng Dao Zhong: Er Shou


Dong feng zhi wo yu shan xing
Chui duan yan jian ji yu sheng.
Ling shang qing yun pi xu mao
Shu tou chu ri gua tong zheng.

Ye tao han xiao zhu li duan
Xi liu zi yao sha shui qing.
Xi yan ren jia ying zui le
Zhu qin shao sun xiang chun geng.


Shen shi you you wo ci xing
Xi bian wei pei ting xi sheng.
San cai wei jian sou lin fu
Pi ma si wen juan pei zheng.

Xi yu zu shi cha hu xi
Luan shan shen chu chang guan qing.
Ren jian qi lu zhi duo shao
Shi xiang sang tian wen ou geng.

Xin City Main Highway: Two Poems


East wind knows my wish for mountain travels
Blowing away the rain sounds off the eaves.
Green mountain range, white clouds worn like a cotton hat
At daybreak, treetop cones like hanging copper bells.

Open country, happy peaches and short bamboo fences
Small stream, willow trees undulate over the sand and clear water.
In the west, mountain houses should be the happiest
Cooking celery, frying bamboo shoots, they entertain during springtime.


This time my journey is full of leisure
Along a small stream, drop the reins and hear the river sounds.
Scattered downed timber, afraid to see the forest axes
Tired horses think of war flags rolled up and furled.

Soft rain, happy season to gather tea leaves
Government official friend honestly dwells deep within the mountains.
Know the many forks in the road for humankind
Maybe I can ask these simple peasants how I can return to cultivate the land.



Xin City: Located in the province of Henan.

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