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Wang Wei: Pouring Wine With Pei Di

Pouring Wine With Pei Di

酌 酒 与 裴 迪
酌 酒 与 君 君 自 宽
人 情 翻 覆 似 波 澜。
白 首 相 知 犹 按 剑
朱 门 先 达 笑 弹 冠。
草 色 全 经 细 雨 湿
花 枝 欲 动 春 风 寒。
世 事 浮 云 何 足 问
不 如 高 卧 且 加 餐。
Zhuo Jiu Yu Pei Di

Zhuo jiu yu jun jun zi kuan
Ren qing fan fu si bo lan.
Bai shou xiang zhi you an jian
Zhu men xian da xiao tan guan.

Cao se quan jing xi yu shi
Hua zhi yu dong chun feng han.
Shi shi fu yun he zu wen
Bu ru gao wo qie jia can.

Pouring Wine With Pei Di

Pour wine with you so we can relax
Human nature and experiences turn upside-down like big waves.
Known each other all our lives, yet we also have disagreements
Vermilion doors early in life’s advancement, they laugh at others while congratulating themselves.

All of the grass colors hang with the moisture of a thin, gentle rain
Flowers on the branch want to change, but the spring wind is cold.
The affairs of life are like floating clouds, one does not have to ask why
Better to sit back and relax, and bring on the food.



Vermilion doors: Doors inside the imperial palace complex.

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