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Wei Yingwu: Return to Visit Government Recorder and Cousin Cui Zhuo

Return to Visit Government Recorder and Cousin Cui Zhuo

答 崔 主 簿 倬
朗 月 分 林 霭
遥 管 动 离 声。
故 欢 良 已 阻
空 宇 澹 无 情。
窈 窕 云 雁 没
苍 茫 河 汉 横。
兰 章 不 可 答
冲 襟 徒 自 盈。
Da Cui Zhu Bu Zhuo

Lang yue fen lin ai
Yao guan dong li sheng.
Gu huan liang yi zu
Kong yu dan wu qing.

Yao tiao yun yan mo
Cang mang he han heng.
Lan zhang bu ke da
Chong jin tu zi ying.


Return to Visit Government Recorder and Cousin Cui Zhuo

Bright moon separates the forest mists
Faraway sounds of a guan playing a departure serenade.
Former joys and happiness blocked and stopped
Tranquility of an empty house without emotions.

Wild geese disappeared into deep and quiet clouds
Vast and boundless, the Milky Way from horizon to horizon.
Do not know how to reply to your elegant poems
My breadth of mind cleansed, only then becomes naturally filled up.



Guan: A woodwind musical instrument.

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