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Du Fu: Flood and Waters Everywhere: One Poem

Flood and Waters Everywhere: One Poem

漫 成: 一 首
江 月 去 人 只 数 尺
风 灯 照 夜 欲 三 更。
沙 头 宿 鹭 联 拳 静
船 尾 跳 鱼 拔 剌 鸣。
Man Cheng: Yi Shou

Jiang yue qu ren zhi shu chi
Feng deng zhao ye yu san geng.                                                                                          Sha tou su lu lian quan jing
Ban wei tiao yu ba la ming.

Flood and Waters Everywhere: One Poem

River moon reflection just a few feet from our solitary boat
Almost midnight winds, a lamp illuminates the evening.

Overnight the heads of egrets in the sand lean against each other
Jumping fish flap around, drawn up by the boat’s stern.

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