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Du Mu: Climb Nine Peaks Tower

Climb Nine Peaks Tower

登 九 峰 楼
晴 江 滟 滟 含 浅 沙
高 低 绕 郭 滞 秋 花。
牛 歌 鱼 笛 山 月 上
鹭 渚 鹙 梁 溪 日 斜。
为 郡 异 乡 徒 泥 酒
杜 陵 芳 草 岂 无 家。
白 头 搔 杀 倚 柱 遍
归 棹 何 时 闻 轧 鸦。
Deng Jiu Feng Lou

Qing jiang yan yan han qian sha
Gao di rao guo zhi qiu hua.
Niu ge yu di shan yue shang
Lu zhu qiu liang xi ri xie.

Wei jun yi xiang tu ni jiu
Du ling fang cao qi wu jia.
Bai tou sao sha yi zhu bian
Gui zhao he shi wen ga ya.


Climb Nine Peaks Tower

Sunny river ripples over shallow sand
High and low, meandering city walls among sluggish autumn flowers.
Moon above, local mountain music are oxen songs and flute melodies
for the fish
Setting sun, lovely stream cormorants and islet egrets.

The region so different from my hometown, stay drunk on their cloudy wine
Doesn’t Duling have fragrant grasses without houses.
Leaning on a pillar, my white hair so brittle it is dangerous
When can I hear the sounds of returning oars on the long-trip boats.



Nine Peaks Tower: Located near the city of Chizou, province of Anhui.

Duling: A suburb of the ancient capital city of Chang’an (Xi’an).

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