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Du Mu: Qi An City Towers

Qi An City Towers

题 齐 安 城 楼
鸣 轧 江 楼 角 一 声
微 阳 潋 潋 洛 寒 汀。
不 用 凭 栏 苦 回 首
故 乡 七 十 五 长 亭。
Ti Qi An Cheng Lou

Ming ya jiang lou jue yi sheng
Wei yang lian lian luo han ting.                                                                                            Bu yong ping lan ku hui shou
Gu xiang qi shi wu chang ting.


Qi An City Towers

Chirping sound, horn blows from around the river buildings
Sliver of sun moving slowly over the cold river islet.

Do not have to use or lean on a balcony to suffer from not returning home
My native hometown seventy-five pavilions away.



Qi An City: Inside the ancient kingdom of Qi (771-221 BC).

Seventy-five pavilions:  Refers to rest stops for travelers on land making their way through the empire.

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