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Du Mu: Village Walk

Village Walk

村 行
春 半 南 阳 西
柔 桑 过 村 坞。
娉 娉 垂 柳 风
点 点 回 塘 雨。
蓑 唱 牧 牛 儿
篱 窥 茜 裙 女。
半 湿 解 征 衫
主 人 馈 鸡 黍。
Cun Xing

Chun ban nan yang xi
Rou sang guo cun wu.
Ping ping chui liu feng
Dian dian hui tang yu.

Suo chang mu niu er
Li kui qian qun nu.
Ban shi jie zheng shan
Zhu ren kui ji shu.

Village Walk

West of Nanyang, half-way through spring
Pass by village compounds lined with soft mulberries.
Willow trees drooping in the breeze with a graceful demeanor
Small drops of rain on the field berms.

Straw rain capes sing while herding their calves
Group of crimson ladies peak through the hedges.
An older one beckons to me because of my half-wet unlined clothes
Her father presents a chicken and millet to me as a gift.



Nanyang: City located in Henan Province.

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