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Han Yu: Early Spring, Write to Zhang the Eighteenth, Now Engaged As a Flood Control Officer

Early Spring, Write to Zhang the Eighteenth, Now Engaged As a Flood Control Officer

早 春 呈 水 部 张 十 八 员 外
早 街 小 雨 润 如 酥
草 色 遥 看 近 却 无。
最 是 一 年 春 好 处
绝 胜 烟 柳 满 皇 都。
Zao Chun Cheng Shui Bu Zhang Shi Ba Yuan Wai

Tian jie xiao yu run ru su
Cao se yao kan jin que wu.                                                                                                        Zui shi yi nian chun hao chu
Jue sheng yan liu man huang dou.


Early Spring, Write to Zhang the Eighteenth, Now Engaged As a Flood Control Officer

Light rains softly moisten the streets of the capital
From far away, grass colors barely visible.

Best and finest beginning for this year’s springtime
All of the imperial willow trees with an exquisite elegance.



Han Yu is now back in Chang’an, and greatly appreciates it’s beauty.

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