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Li Bai: Middle of Yue: Visiting Places of Interest

Middle of Yue: Visiting Places of Historical Interest

越 中 览 古
越 王 勾 践 破 吴 归
义 士 还 家 尽 锦 衣。
宫 女 如 花 满 春 殿
只 今 唯 有 鹧 鸪 飞。
Yue Zhong Lan Gu

Yue wang gou jian po wu gui
Yi shi huan jia jin jin yi.                                                                                                        Gong nu ru hua man chun dian
Zhi jin wei you zhe gu fei.


Middle of Yue: Visiting Places of Historical Interest

After subduing the Wu, went back to the Yue palace
Loyal scholars return home with a fine assortment of brocade clothes. Palace women like flowers crowding around the spring palace
But now only have single partridges flying about.

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