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Li Bai: Send This As a Gift to the Beautiful Ladies Along the Footpaths Between the Fields

Send This As a Gift to the Beautiful Ladies Along the Footpaths Between the Fields

陌 上 赠 美 人
骏 马 骄 行 踏 落 花
垂 鞭 直 拂 五 云 车。
美 人 一 笑 褰 珠 箔
遥 指 红 楼 是 妾 家。
Mo Shang Zeng Mei Ren

Jun ma jiao xing ta luo hua
Chui bian zhi fu wu yun che.                                                                                                  Mei ren yi xiao qian zhu bo
Yao zhi hong lou shi qie jia.

Send As a Gift to Beautiful Ladies Along Footpaths Between the Fields

Vigorous, fine horses step on fallen blossoms
Hanging whip and curtains on their multi-colored carriages.

Beautiful ladies smile, lift up a pearl screen
Pointing to a red building in the distance, this is our entertainment house.

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