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Li Bai: Ye Zuo Melody

Ye Zuo Melody


夜 坐 吟
冬 夜 夜 寒 觉 夜 长
沉 吟 久 坐 坐 北 堂。
冰 合 井 泉 月 入 闺
金 缸 青 凝 照 悲 啼。
金 缸 灭 啼 转 多。
掩 妾 泪 听 君 歌。
歌 有 声 妾 有 情。
情 声 合 两 无 违。
一 语 不 人 意
从 君 万 曲 梁 尘 飞。
Ye Zuo Yin

Dong ye ye han jue ye chang
Chen yin jiu zuo zuo bei tang.
Bing he jing quan yue ru gui
Jin gang qing ning zhao bei ti.

Jin gang mie ti zhuan duo.
Yan qie lei ting jun ge.
Ge you sheng, qie you qing
Qing sheng he, liang wu wei.
Yi yu bu ren yi
Cong jun wan qu liang chen fei.

Ye Zuo Melody

Every winter evening feels longer and colder than the one before
Lady sits and chants for a long time in the north room.
Iced over well spring water, moon enters the boudoir
Golden oil lamp, black wick stiff, sad tears shine.

Lamp extinguished, tears flow faster
Covers her concubine tears, while listening to his songs.
Songs have sounds she can feel their emotions
When feelings and sounds unite, both are in harmony.
If they do not understand the meanings together
One can follow ten thousand melodies, yet the roof beam dust can fly.



Roof beam dust can fly: They do not yet understand each other.

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